
This command replaces the @EncodeData command for JavaScript Engine Deployment.

This command encodes any data captured, through the web user interface, during the current session. The resulting xml formatted text is stored in a string variable.

Syntax: @EncodeDataXML <string>[,NOPROPS][,UPDATE]{,<variable>}


<string> : String Variable or Text Object that stored the encoded data

[,NOPROPS] : Optional switch to ignore the "Include in encoded data" setting on Object Properties. If this parameter is absent then any Object Properties & List Instance Properties that have their "Include in encoded data" setting checked will be encoded.

[,UPDATE]: Optional switch to retain any encoded data in the <String> variable at the time the command is invoked. New data values are added to the <string> whilst existing data are updated with the latest values.

{,<variable>} : If no objects or variables are specified then it will apply standard encoding (i.e. only the data captured or re-visited during the current session are encoded). If however one or more objects are specified here then only those specified objects are encoded.


@EncodeDataXML XMLStr Encode object data captured during this session into XMLStr
@EncodeDataXML XMLStr,UPDATE Update existing XMLStr content with captured objects data
@EncodeDataXML XMLStr,Customer_ID Encode (Customer_ID) data only
@EncodeDataXML XMLStr,UPDATE,Customer_ID Update existing XMLStr content with (Customer_ID) data